Thursday, May 24, 2007

Balls of the Tiger

The Chinese are all set to lift the ban on the trade of tiger products. Chinese babus have commissioned the same agency that came up with the "Living in a Storm Drain" jingle to come up with a new ad campaign to boost the Chinese Traditional Medicine industry. The following is to be sung to the tune of "Eye of the tiger" from Rocky.

It's the balls of the tiger that have won me the fight
Risin' up to the challenge of my rivals
And to all the women I'm now the king of the night
And it's all thanks to the balls of the tiger

Here's a full list of useful tiger body parts. So the next time you see a lazy babu, make sure to rub his body with a mixture of tiger's heart and oil. But make sure you don't rub him the wrong way.


Anonymous said...

"The Chinese are all set to lift the ban on the trade of tiger products" <-- but NOT before the Olympic games! Now they are too busy banning spitting as I read in the news... Speaking of which, this is not bad:

Anonymous said...

On the second thought, a "matador" doesn't always win, if you know what I am saying... Does the size (of the balls) matter when speaking of the desired effect?

Babu said...

Dear anon(@May 24, 2007 3:17 AM):

Thanks for the link. The post was very intereting. I think I will recommend the bans on spitting, bad manners (babus and netas will have to be exempt) and bad English (again babus and netas will be exempt) to my minister.

Babu said...

Dear anon (@May 24, 2007 3:44 AM):

I'm guessing you are referring to the famous bull's balls joke. You can find many interesting variants of that joke here: